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Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Tier List: Ultimate Guide

Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Tier List: Ultimate Guide

Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Tier List: Ultimate Guide

The power Rangers Battle for the Grid Tier List ranks characters based on their stats and strengths. This list isn’t official but is derived from extensive gameplay experience. Characters with the most potent FEATURES are positioned at the top, while those lacking in significant aspects are lower. However, opinions can differ, so you might find your favorite character in unexpected spots.

Understanding the Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Tier List

As a seasoned Power Rangers game player, you’ll recognize the unique elements that make this game globally popular. Released on 26 March 2019, it brought players together to compete using characters with distinct fighting styles. Success hinges on beating the opponent by switching between three fighters throughout the game, depending on the player’s strategy.

The S Tier Characters

The best fighters fill the S Tier of the Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Tier List. These characters outshine others with their abilities, strengths, and combat prowess.

  • Tommy Oliver: Known for his incredible martial arts skills and various ranger powers, Tommy can throw a ten-ton car when morphed. With his ability to dodge bullets and survive explosions, he’s the epitome of strength and durability.
  • Ranger Slayer: A power-packed fighter with high speed, mobility, and effective projectile attacks. Her evasion and attacking capabilities make her an S Tier contender.
  • Lord Drakkon: With strong defense and high-powered attacks, Drakkon uses teleport mixups to maintain pressure and turn the tide in his favor.
  • Jen Scott: Characterized by consistent normals and threatening airdash, Jen Scott stands out for her mobility and ability to reset opponents during combos.
  • Dai Shi: Known for his ruthless attacks and durability, Dai Shi uses powerful energy beams and lightning bolts, making him a formidable opponent.

A Tier Characters

A Tier characters also bring a lot to the table, although they might have minor flaws compared to the S Tier.

  • Lauren Shiba: The red samurai ranger, known for her sword and fire attacks, boasts significant attack potency and superhuman strength. Her only downside is returning to her unmorphed form when heavily damaged.
  • Scorpina: An aggressive player with space control tools and teleportation abilities, making her tricky to handle.
  • Robert RJ James: Famous for his elbow and knee strikes, RJ’s Wolf Wheel and jump-ins make him a favorite among many players.

B Tier Characters

The B Tier includes characters who have useful abilities but lack speed, durability, or strength in some areas.

  • Trey of Triforia: Known for his good mobility and reliable tools, although he lacks solid buttons and a strong assist.
  • Chun-Li: Possesses good neutral tools and mixups, but struggles with screen control and team play.
  • Lord Zedd: Equipped with dangerous dark powers but lacks good movement and team compatibility.

Lower Tier Characters

Characters in the C and D Tiers are considered below average or underwhelming in battle prowess.

  • Poisandra: A character with average buttons and weak fighting power, more suited for casual play.
  • Udonna: Limited toolkit and moderate mobility make her less competitive.
  • Magna Defender: High-risk moves and poor teamwork skills keep him from rising above C Tier.

Patch Notes and Updates

The latest updates introduced notable changes to several characters:

  • Launcher attack rules across the cast were normalized.
  • Dragon Armor Trini’s health increased to 1300.
  • Chun-Li (Blue Phoenix Ranger) had several charge times reduced and overall improvements.
  • Poisandra’s standing and crouching heavy were adjusted for better balance.


Overall, the Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Tier List offers a comprehensive look at character rankings based on their abilities and stats. While some characters shine above others, every fighter has unique traits that can contribute to victory in the hands of skilled players. Whether you prefer top-tier giants or underdog warriors, mastering their strengths and compensating for their flaws is key to dominating the Power Rangers game.

Character Tier Health Walk Speed
Tommy Oliver S 1000 850 Forward, 375 Back
Ranger Slayer S 1000 800 Forward, 450 Back
Lord Drakkon S 1000 950 Forward, 325 Back
Lauren Shiba A 950 — Forward, — Back
Scorpina A 950 — Forward, — Back
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Amara Vandenberg

Amara Vandenberg

Amara Vandenberg is the creative power behind a highly influential video game blog renowned for its cutting-edge reviews and in-depth analysis of game mechanics, ranging from indie gems to blockbuster hits. With a sharp eye for detail and a penchant for narrative-driven content, Amara has carved out a niche as a go-to source for gamers seeking more than just surface-level commentary. Her expertise in identifying trends and dissecting gameplay elements has not only earned her a dedicated following but has also positioned her as a thought leader in the gaming community, where her insights continue to inspire and inform.