Master the Jungle Role in League of Legends with Our JG Tier List
Welcome to our comprehensive JG Tier List, where we discuss the most viable jungle champions in League of Legends. Whether you’re new to the jungle role or a seasoned player aiming to dominate your games, this guide is for you.
Understanding the JG Tier List
In this section, we break down the best and worst jungle champions, ranking them based on their performance, win rate, and utility.
S-Tier Jungle Champions in League of Legends
Let’s start with the crème de la crème of jungle champions. These are your go-to picks for a significant advantage in most matches.
- Master Yi: Known for his tremendous damage and speed, Master Yi dominates Summoner’s Rift but isn’t as effective in Wild Rift.
- Kayn: With massive damage and an evasion kit that lets him walk through walls, Kayn is deadly but harder to master than Master Yi.
- Bel’Veth: Despite frequent nerfs, Bel’Veth remains a formidable jungler thanks to her unique abilities and high mobility.
- Diana: With significant magic damage and rapid scaling, Diana is a complex but highly rewarding champion to play.
- Fiddlesticks: This character can be incredibly annoying for opponents due to his constant damage and range.
A-Tier Jungle Champions in League of Legends
While not the absolute best, these jungle champions still offer strong performance in various situations.
- Volibear: A versatile ganker with good health, but vulnerable to anti-magic builds.
- Wukong: Capable of significant damage but can be difficult to master and easily countered.
- Zac: Very tanky and mobile, but requires a high skill level to play effectively.
- Evelynn: Eerie and effective, Evelynn is great for stealthy ganks but hard to learn.
- Trundle: Simple yet effective in destroying ADCs, but suffers if he ganks too early and fails.
- Shaco: Difficult to counter if played well, Shaco can single-handedly decimate a team.
B-Tier Jungle Champions in League of Legends
These champions are good but not great and usually shine in specific scenarios.
- Nunu and Willump: Not very hard to learn but can struggle to keep up with the game’s pace.
- Olaf: Deadly if allowed to farm but not usually favored as a jungler.
- Amumu: Effective in the right hands but easily countered with magic resist items.
- Warwick: Easy to play and good for beginners but can be countered easily.
- Mordekaiser: Great for ganking but lacks mobility and is better suited for the top lane.
C-Tier Jungle Champions in League of Legends
Winning games with these champions is challenging, and they are often overshadowed by better picks.
- Ivern: Better as support, struggles to solo carry games.
- Sejuani: Tanky but too similar to better junglers like Trundle.
- Vi: Great in Wild Rift but struggles in Summoner’s Rift due to low mobility.
- Talon: High damage but very squishy, making him easy to counter.
F-Tier Jungle Champions in League of Legends
These are the jungle champions you should generally avoid as they struggle to scale and are more often a liability than an advantage.
- Graves: Lacks damage and effectiveness early in the game.
- Hecarim: Strong in mobility but lacks substantial damage.
- Viego: Needs to rely on enemy kills to be effective, making him inconsistent.
- Lee Sin: Recent patches have nerfed his damage significantly, making him less viable.
Patch Notes for Improved Jungle Strategy
Here are some key updates from Patch 13.5 that impact jungle gameplay:
- Yuumi’s passive has been reworked for better effectiveness.
- Aatrox will now scale better into the late game.
- Gangplank’s damage and E ability have been increased.
- Pantheon’s attack speed has been increased but at the cost of health regeneration.
- Rammus has seen changes to his Q damage and base attack.
Champion | Tier | Health | Damage | Mana | Speed |
Master Yi | S | 669 | 65 | 251 | 355 |
Kayn | S | 655 | 68 | 410 | 340 |
Volibear | A | 650 | 60 | 305 | 340 |
Why Trust Our JG Tier List?
To ensure you get reliable information, our JG Tier List is based on data from credible sources like and, as well as personal experience. If you have any doubts or corrections, please let us know in the comments.
Final Thoughts on Jungle Champions in League of Legends
We hope this tier list helps you navigate the ever-changing jungle role in League of Legends. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep playing and refining your skills. Good luck on the Rift, Summoners!